My business details have changed, what do I do?

Updating your business details.

My business details have changed, what do I do?

Updating your business details.

If your business details have changed, log in at TruePay and go to Profile (top right) > My business.

General business details

The requirement below many change depending on your business location and business type

Limited company

Sole trader

Business address

Go to My Business to edit the address. Click Edit and type in the new address.

Next, you'll need to upload a recent registry extract (no older than 6 months) that reflects the changes.

Go to My Business to change your business address.

Company name

Go to My Business to upload a recent registry extract (no older than 6 months) that reflects the changes.

Send us a message to tell us about the change. We'll be happy to assist!


You can change your VAT ID via My Business.

You can change your VAT ID via My Business.

Tax number

You can change your tax number via My Business

You can change your tax number via My Business

Company type

The company type of a limited company account can't be changed.

Send us a message to discuss the next steps.

The company form of a sole trader account can't be changed.

Send us a message to discuss the next steps.

Creator change

Please follow the steps in this article to change your account creator.

It's not possible to change the account creator (owner) of a freelancer account.

Business activity

Send us a message to tell us about the change. We'll be happy to assist!

Send us a message to tell us about the change. We'll be happy to assist!

Industry information

Send us a message to tell us about the change. We'll be happy to assist!

Send us a message to tell us about the change. We'll be happy to assist!

Expected turnover

Send us a message to tell us about the change. We'll be happy to assist!

Send us a message to tell us about the change. We'll be happy to assist!

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