How do I invite new users to my account?

Inviting new users.

How do I invite new users to my account?

Inviting new users.

Let's first quickly cover user roles, as these play a key role in inviting new users to your account. At TruePay, we have different ‘user roles', which determine what level of access someone has in your account. We have 6 levels.

Each TruePay account can have 1 creator (or owner) who manages other users.

Our user roles – How to control account access

User role

What they can do


  • Manage all user rights
  • Can perform any activity in TruePay
  • Can order new TruePay cards
  • Can close an account


  • Can perform any activity in TruePay except:
    • Team & user rights
    • Close an account
  • Can order new TruePay cards


  • Best for developers or people primarily using the TruePay API


  • Best for people who need full access to TruePay data, but don't need to update business settings


  • Best for employees who regularly refund payments and respond to dispute etc.

View Only

  • Best for people who need to view TruePay data, but don't need to make any new entries or updates

How do I invite new users to my TruePay account?

Only creators can manage other users. Here's how it works:

  1. Log in to your account at
  2. Go to your Account settings > Users > Invite user
  3. Fill in the form – new users will automatically be added to your account as editors. You can change their role once they verify their identity

Invite a brand new user

To invite a new TruePay user (someone who has never used TruePay before), enter their email address and mobile number. They'll receive an email invite with a link to create an account.

All new users need to create their own TruePay profile and verify their identity before accessing your account. However, they are not required to open an account of their own.

Invite a user with an existing TruePay profile

If the person you're inviting is already using TruePay, make sure you send the invite to the email address connected to their existing profile. We only allow one profile per person – and new users have to verify their identity, so there's no way around this.

This person will receive an email and be able to log in to your account with their existing TruePay profile. They will not need to reverify their identity, as long as their existing login details are still valid.

Note on invitation expiry

Invites expire after 14 days. You can resend an invitation after the original one expires.

What happens after I invite someone?

When you invite someone, they'll automatically be added to your account as editors. Before you can change their user role and grant them more account access, they'll need to verify their identity. Once verified, you can change their role to admin and manage user roles.

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