How do I add or delete recipients?

Learn how to manage a recipient.

How do I add or delete recipients?

Learn how to manage a recipient.

Whenever you send money to someone, we’ll save their recipient details automatically. But you can also add their details ahead of time. You can also delete them if they’re no longer needed.

How to add a new recipient

  1. Go to Recipients

  2. If you’re adding your own account, select Add your bank account. If you’re adding someone else’s account, select Add a recipient

    We are making it easier to find a TruePay recipient using their email. Click on Find your friend and find the person if they are also on TruePay.

  3. Select Confirm to save your recipient

Once you’ve saved a recipient, you can’t edit them. If you need to make a change to their information, you’ll need to delete them as a recipient and add them again.

The Recipients tab doesn't show you all of your recipient's details. If you're not sure if their details are correct, you can delete the recipient and add them again.

How to delete a recipient

  1. Go to Recipients

  2. Select the recipient details you want to remove

  3. Select Delete recipient

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