The set up of the Online Store

How to set up your Online Store.

The set up of the Online Store

How to set up your Online Store.

The TruePay Online store is currently available for our European Union, United Kingdom and Nigeria customers only.

1. General customisation tools

You may customise your store by adding a background image and a logo to the store. In addition to this you may include a store description, product description, images, your own terms and conditions and additional store privacy policy.

Other customising options are not available at the moment. You may access all your online store settings by choosing Online store and Settings.

2. Setting up your store

For setting up your store, simply choose online store option in your home view.
Adding the information in the Store settings is not compulsory but it is recommended. You can for example define your store name, modify your store address, manage shipping fees and your store logo and background.
After this you are ready to create your first products and to publish them!
When you have added all the required info in your store settings, you can start creating your first products and also view your store. By clicking Online store and New item just simply fill in the fields and add your product picture, and your product is ready to be published.

When creating a new item to your online store you are able to eg. split individual item purchases into separate PDFs in receipt. You can also add a store section. You are also able to ask an additional check out question from your customers regarding their preferences and to personalise your products. If you want this question to be mandatory, simply tick the box (" this question is mandatory"). In addition, you an add digital downloads as items to be sold under digital downloads.

3. Creating and managing shipping fees

Start by accessing your store settings page. Scroll down a bit and you see a section where you can create different kinds of shipping fees. Each shipping fee you create consists of 4 different steps:

1. Shipping area

  • Domestic shipping
  • EU shipping (NOTE: includes also Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway)
  • UK shipping
  • Nigeria shipping
  • Global shipping

    International sales - please note that if you allow EU or global sales, make sure to report VAT accordingly.

2. Price

3. VAT rate

4. Income category

You can create one shipping fee for each shipping area. A correct type of shipping fee is automatically added into the shopping cart once your customer has

  • selected a product that needs shipping
  • given their country during the store checkout.

Please note that if you specify shipping fees for one, but not all areas (e.g only domestic, but no worldwide shipping fees), then customers can only order products that need shipping to the areas that you specified a fee for.

Applying shipping fees into products

Once you have created your range of shipping fees options you can select which products you want to apply them to. You can do this by creating a new item and ticking the Shipping fees apply to this product box right under Quantity field in the item creation page. If you have already created some store items you can edit them and include a shipping fee.

Selecting that a shipping fee applies to an item will add a correct type of shipping fee (domestic, EU or worldwide) into the shopping cart whenever this item is present in the shopping cart. The product quantity does not matter.

4 . Creating and managing discount codes

Note that discount codes are always item based. TruePay does not yet offer basket based discount codes. The total amount of discount codes relates to the total available discount codes and not to usage per person.

How it works

  1. Give a name to the discount code (this will not be visible to customer)
  2. Create the actual code - the code must be between 6-20 characters long and special characters and letters such as Ä and Ö are not supported. You may use numbers and letters. For example: SUMMERSALE2022
  3. Define discount type - percentage / fixed price discount / replace the current price with a new one
  4. Define the percentage or amount that should be discounted
  5. You may define a minimum price that the shopping cart must have before this discount can be used - you may also define how many code uses you have available
  6. Select the products that this discount applies to

Please note that you can use the same code only once.

5 . Creating and managing store item sections

To create a section, please choose: online store > new (button in the top right view) > choose section from the dropdown menu.

How it works:

  1. Give a name to your item section
  2. Define whether you want to show the section in our front page or within a different section
  3. Pick the products you want to include into this section
  4. Save the ready item section.

6. Online store payment methods

If you have a TruePay online store your customers will have a wide range of payment options to use for their shopping. All of the below methods are available in your TruePay online store.


  • Visa credit cards
  • Mastercard credit cards
  • Bank Transfer
  • TruePay

7 . Editing the texts

You may edit your store description, product infos and receipts messages with markdown text editing language. Here are the rules, you can also see them in your account under Format help under each description field.

# H1 Header H1 Header
## H2 Header H2 Header
### H3 header H3 header
#### H4 header H4 header
##### H5 header H5 header
###### H6 header H6 header
*Italic* Italic
**Bold** Bold
[Link label]( Link label
1. Lorem
2. Ipsum
3. Dolor
  1. Lorem
  2. Ipsum
  3. Dolor
* Lorem
* Ipsum
* Dolor
  • Lorem
  • Ipsum
  • Dolor
Line break Click on space bar twice, then press Enter

Please note: the text styles are only visible in your actual store page, there is currently no preview tool in TruePay.

8 . Image sizes

All images are scaled to fit the window. This is why the bigger the image, the better quality it will be, but the file size should not exceed the maximum 1MB. PNG, JPG/JPEG, or GIF format are supported.

Store logo

  • Pixels: square image - the bigger, the better
  • Size: 0,5-0,9MB (max 1MB)

Store background

  • Pixels: landscape image (3840 x 700) - the bigger, the better
  • Size: 0,5-0,9MB (max 1MB)

Store item

  • Pixels: square image - the bigger, the better
  • Size: 0,5-0,9MB (max 1MB)

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