Usage of TruePay Online store

Using your online store to make sales.

Usage of TruePay Online store

Using your online store to make sales.

Using your Online store

The web shop is part of Lite and Pro pricing, but for each sale in the web shop we charge a payment processing fee. Please note that you need a business account in order to be able to open an Online store.

1. Managing orders and purchases

Sold products, including customer contact details will be included into an automatically generated Order Lists, that can be viewed and downloaded for example in Excel format. You can also include additional questions to products if you need to specify diets, sizes and other relevant information. Once a customer purchases a product from your store, TruePay will send the necessary order confirmation and attachments (for example tickets) automatically.

After the delivery you can mark the order as processed by clicking the order either from your Home view or through Online store > Orders > Click on the product > Options > Mark as processed.

2. Selling digital products / downloadable content

For adding downloadable content to your web shop, log in to your TruePay account, go to your online store and from there to items. Drop your file to Downloadable content at the bottom of the page. Save your changes after this.

The max. size for a downloadable content is 200MB. You may currently upload only 1 file and the supported files are audio files (MP3, WMA and OGG), e-books (PDF, EPUB and MOBI), image files (JPG, JPEG, TIF, PNG, SVG) and ZIP-files.

For the customer at the online store the item will be visible as a text saying Containing downloadable content. Upon purchasing the product TruePay will send the customer a receipt with the download link for the product, the link includes three downloads and expires in 6 months. After three times the link can't be used anymore for any downloads.

3. QR-codes

It's possible to send a receipt with a QR-code from the TruePay web shop. Just make sure that you have tapped the box for Split individual product purchases into PDF's in receipt when creating/editing an item.

You will get the list of the QR-code numbers in the item's order list: Online store -> items -> choose the item in question -> orders -> open in excel.

Note! TruePay secured QR-code's can be reader only through the TruePay QR-code scanner.

4. Make sure your business information is verified

Please note that you can't start selling before you have verified your personal and business information. So be sure to complete both before starting to market your store.

5. Embed your TruePay online store products into external websites using iFrame

Iframe is a neat tool that lets you embed your TruePay online store products also in other websites than your main store page. In essence, an iframe is another browser window set right inside your web page.

How it works
  • Currently you can embed individual store products in external pages by using the iframe. You can add as many products onto your pages as you wish but can't embed the whole store within one iframe.
  • To embed a store product copy the iframe code snippet from TruePay's online store product page and paste it to your web site. The code snippet can be found on the top of the product page, on the left side of the language switcher.
  • WordPress support only shortcoded versions of iframe. This means that you have to first download this WordPress tool to change your iframe code into an accepted format.

6. Store tracking tools

You are able to add Google Adwords, Google Analytics and Facebook pixel into your store so that you get customer traffic information. You can add those by going to Online Store > Settings > scroll down a bit. Please bear in mind that each of these tracking tools activate only in the receipt page, meaning that you will have information only from successful store purchases.

Please read Facebook's instructions for more information regarding Facebook pixels.

7. Is your store "under construction"?

If you see a red message in your TruePay online store that says that "This shop is still under construction so you cannot make purchases yet." it means that either your personal verification or the verification of your business is missing.

In order to fix this please check your verification status and complete the missing parts.

8. Refunds

In case your customers wants to return the product or a service gets cancelled you can make the refund using Brilliant* (some payment methods offer a quick refund feature). However, if payment was made by Bank Transfer refund as a normal outbound account transfer to the account of the customer who placed the order. Ask the customer for the account details. You can make a transfer by choosing Send Money > New Recipient. For refunds done via. Bank Transfers, we advise to charge a refund administartion fee to cover, extra costs of refunds, such as; exchange rates and other fees may. If you do charge any administration fees, please make this clear in your policy

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